My hometown!

 Kurume: A Great Place

Kurume is my hometown. Krume belongs to Fukuoka. Please visit someday. I'll write some information about it in my blog today.

(Good links for more information about Kurume)

(5 fun things to do in Kurume)

1. Kurume can eat delicious foods at a low price!

2. Kurume can see the beautiful scenery!

3. Kurume is a comfortable environment with a lot of nature!

4. Kurume is a lively with festivals and stalls at night!

5. Kurume is almost in the middle of kyushu, and can go to various places!

(Youtube Video)

(Google map)


  1. There are various place in Kurume. I want to go to Kurume.

  2. The ramen looks so delicious! What kind of the ramen do you recommend?

  3. I want to go kurume and eat delicious food!

  4. Scenery in Kurume is so beautiful! I would visit it someday.

  5. It is very beautiful place! What is your favorite place to seeing scenery.




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